Makom Making

Makom Making

Over the last ten years, Makom Community has established a Lab School in Philadelphia. We have witnessed how our unique pedagogy, Jewish Placemaking, transforms Jewish Education by creating and modeling experiential and intentional learning environments in collaboration with educators, children, and their families. We know firsthand how challenging part-time Jewish education can be. We want to share our pedagogy with our partners who are engaging families interested in part-time Jewish education. We aim to nurture and support the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our communities. More so, we have a solution that empowers and enhances local communities to do this holy work well and deeply across the country.

We want to connect with you to support the vision and needs of your community, as well as your professional goals! Contact Terri Soifer, Director of Strategy, to arrange a 20 minute meeting to connect.

Makom Community’s Professional Development Menu

Educators at our 2023 Jewish Placemaking Summer Conference: Planning for Joy!