Although the nominal theme of our August School’s Out Camp (held from 8/19-8/23) was “Animal Camp,” the most pertinent word to sum up our time together, at least for me, is “new.” In the weeks and days leading up to camp, Makom staff packed up our old site on Sansom Street and schlepped box after box to our new home…
Makom Community News & Blog
Makom Community News & Blog
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How to Teach Jewish Wisdom in Time of Division
At Makom our mission is deeply tied to the belief that Torah is always timely. When we learn Torah, there is always wisdom we can glean for right here and now. As we begin this school year, our goal is to create space within the safe container of Makom Community for our learners and their families to imagine…what would the…
Patience Builds A Brit
In the past years the Jewish educational landscape has deeply embraced cohorts of learners, such as classrooms or bunks at camp, creating a brit. A brit, or two-way promise, can be found throughout the Torah, when God and humans make a mutual two-way promise. For instance, God promises Noach there will not be another flood if he creates the ark…
Top 10 Moments of 2023-24
10. Journey out of Egypt Obstacle Course To dive into our unit on Matan Torah, our Garinim (K and 1st grade) learners had their classroom transformed into an obstacle course that took them on a journey through the desert and acted out the story of Bnei Yisrael leaving Egypt. Bringing learners into the text allowed them to fully embody the…
Student Led Tikkuns Celebrate Learning
To celebrate Shavuot and the end of the school year, the Shorashim (1st and 2nd grade) and Nitzanim (3rd and 4th grade) Kvutzot each put together their version of a Tikkun Leil Shavuot for the other learners to participate. If those words have you confused, you are not alone– Shavuot, since is falls after the school year, is not as…
Embodied Routines Through Exploration of the 10 Commandments
In April, all the learners in Jewish enrichment at Makom embarked upon a detailed study of the 10 commandments, taking a day or two to deep dive into each one. Since I started working at Makom in mid-March, my first two weeks were full of Purim celebrations and spring break camp, so this was my first chance to build and…
Creating Community Through Cohort-Based Learning
At Makom Community, ‘community’ permeates every aspect of what we do. From Family Shabbat to learner showcases to School’s Out Camp, we structure lessons, learning experiences, and multi-modal activities with our collective, rather than the individual, in mind. Cohort-based learning is the foundation of our approach to Jewish Enrichment. Although we prioritize student-led instruction, we take it upon ourselves to…
Pesach: An Experiential Holiday
We hope you all had a sweet Pesach and enjoyed some time contemplating and answering the myriad of Pesach-related questions your kiddos came up with. One of my favorites was: “Do we have to eat matzah just because Bnei Yisrael’s (the Jewish people’s) bread didn’t rise while they were leaving Egypt? Why can’t we just know about the story and…
150 Cups of Coffee (How Makom Got Started)
The first years of Makom Community were beautifully messy, challenging, and exhausting. You might wonder… How did things get started? How did you figure out that there was such a clear need for this new model and pedagogy of Jewish education for kids and their families? How did you keep going when things were challenging? What challenges has Makom overcome…
Omer: Counting Up at Makom
On any given day, our kids do a lot of counting! Kids count down until they have to transition from one activity to the next or until it is time to clean up from a day of learning. When do you notice you or your family counting down time? Starting on the second night of Passover, we’re presented with a…
Noticing the Superheroes in Our Community
At spring break camp, learners spent the week learning about heroes in the Torah from Mordechai to Moshe and harnessing their inner superheroes. Activities included designing their own superhero outfits, making play dough from scratch to build golems, and creating cards that show heroic acts of kindness. As we learned about the hero’s journey and prominent heroes in Jewish stories…
Professional Development that Nurtures Educators
The Mishnah tells a story about Rabbi Nehunyah ben HaKanah. It shares that he offered a brief prayer when he entered the Beit Midrash (House of Study) and again when he left. When he entered, he prayed that no mishap would happen because of him, and when he left, he offered thanksgiving (Mishnah Berakhot 4:2). Two years ago, I started…
The Beauty of Makom Community
Makom Community nourishes and supports our families on this wild ride! What makes families choose Makom Community for their children’s Jewish education and their support on the journey of raising Jewish kids in this wacky world? I want to share a few of the elements that have drawn families to Makom Community since 2014. Kids getting a Jewish Education they…
Torah: A Tool for Empowerment
There is a teaching philosophy that I come across fairly often: be the teacher you needed when you were younger. As Anafim (5th-7th grade) educator, I’ve found myself immensely privileged to continuously have conversations with these kids and impart knowledge that would have been invaluable to me as a learner in their place. Nothing solidified this more for me than…
Connecting to Tefilah in New Ways
Every Thursday, the Nitzanim crew has their own Tefilah: Prayer, Music, and Movement, allowing them to connect as a Kvutzah in a different way than on the other days when they share the time with Anafim. When I started leading this group in Tefilah, I noticed a few things. Learners were getting very curious about prayer – what does it…
Makom Community’s Ongoing Torah Story
Our Makom Community Torah tells a story. The physical Torah scroll that we are so lucky to have and use at Makom Community, has been on a journey to get to where it is today, and looking at it, you can tell. When we received this Torah from our friends and neighbors up at Beth Sholom in Elkins Park. It…
Exploring Folklore for Self-Growth & Connection
Jewish Folklore is a body of work amassed over thousands of years of everyday storytelling that reflects the values, superstitions, beliefs, and fears of the global Jewish community. I became enamored by folklore when I was just a kid, confused by the fact that such stories, many of which are quite dark and spooky, were traditionally created for and shared…
Exploring Tradition and Growth through Torah
The Torah can be intimidating to even the most experienced Jewish learners. How do we make something that is so vast and ingrained in Jewish tradition accessible and engaging to learners ages 5-10? At Makom, we want Torah to be a resource that our learners can turn to and integrate into their lives how they see fit. One way our…
Imagining the Heavens with Garinim
In the final week of Jewish Enrichment before Winter Break, Garinim (PreK-1st grade) took a closer look at the text of Nehemiah which recounts the first time Torah was ever read in public. The kids began the unit by dissecting the importance of Bnei Yisrael being able to hear and understand the Torah for the first time in community with…
The Cornerstone of Non-Violent Communication
For the first time since designing our Makom Making Accelerator, we welcomed three Philadelphia-based Education Directors into our Lab School, to foster continued relationships with other education directors who are doing the holy work of Jewish education and engagement of Jewish families. We created a professional development experience for the directors of this year’s Jewish Placemaking Accelerator centered around observing…
Choosing Blessing & Connectedness in Challenging Times
Last Monday morning, Terri, Amanda, and I arrived to Makom to see our windows defaced. It was gut-wrenching to arrive at a place that is holy to us and see someone else’s anger and frustration placed on our windows in spray paint. Later in the day, one of our first graders responded in such a deeply empathetic, Makom way when…
Cross-Age Teaching & Learning
At Makom, we know that learning extends beyond the kvutzah (age cohort group), and much of our programming, such as Family Shabbat and our Showcases, are dedicated to just this. We aim to enable our learners to teach their families the rituals and values they experience at Makom so that they can choose what they want to bring to their…
Exploring Autonomy: A Toldot Text Study
If we take the time to reflect on it, we can all remember a time in our lives when we felt a lack of autonomy. I might go as far as to argue that adolescence is the period in our lives where we are most aware of this absence. With this in mind, I sought to explore the concept of…
Reflecting on Rest
A few weeks ago, we delved into an excitingly familiar text for the Nitzanim (3rd-4th graders): the creation of Shabbat (Genesis 2:1-3). This is the same text we sing at the beginning of Friday night kiddush (blessing over wine/grape juice), which many Nitzanim kiddos are working on in Tefilah mastery. At this moment in the text, God stops creating the…
Building New Traditions
In this unit, our learners have been exploring all aspects of creation. After many exciting weeks of diving into the creation story through discussion, building, and art, we arrived at the study of Shabbat- God’s time to rest. To begin our discussion of Shabbat, our class worked together to build a fort out of the chairs and pillows that we…
Immersing Jewish Holidays & Responding to The World
“Who wants to shake the lulav?” This wasn’t a man wearing tzitzit and a black suit on a street corner – – it was one of our Garinim (pre-K to 1st grader) learners. He was inviting his classmates to step out from their usual options of Shulchanot Avodah (project center) about Bereshit (the creation story) to participate in this special…
Talking to Kiddos about News in Israel
We had such an incredibly joyful time preparing for Simchat Torah last week at Makom Community. We were dancing, singing, and asking questions about Torah across ages and schools. It was a beautiful snapshot of how we engage with Torah at Makom. And then over the weekend we got such deeply upsetting news about war in Israel. As parents, there…
Betzelem Garinim
The Garinim (PreK-1st grade) entered week 4 of Textploration at Makom with an eager mind. We’ve been tackling the text of Bereshit 1, exploring the diversity of what God created on days one through six. God separated light from darkness, sea from land, created plants and fruits, sun and moon, the stars, and of course, the animals – but what…
The Roadblock of Curriculum
Remember back in June, when you had a document open asking yourself, what should each grade level learn? We are here to help with that daunting task! As part of Makom Making, where we share the best educational and operational lessons from our Makom Community Lab School, we work with Jewish educators across the country. We often hear that curriculum…
August Camp Highlights!
Curious about what you can expect from Makom Community’s School’s Out Camp? This blog takes a quick look at the joy, playfulness, and community building that characterize Makom Community camp days. What are ways that we can make sure our tent includes everybody in our community? At the start of Tefilah: Prayer, Music, and Movement, during Mah Tovu, campers made…