
BMitzvah Ceremony

Celebrating BMitzvah

In Anafim at Makom Community, students lead their own journey to becoming BMitzvah (children of the commandments). BMitzvah is a transition over years to adolescence, not a single moment. In that spirit, our BMitzvah program prepares students for lifelong engagement with Judaism. Makom Community both supports learners in preparing for a BMitzvah celebration at their family’s synagogue and facilitates a group BMitzvah celebration in the spring each year for families who want to mark this special occasion at Makom Community.

What if my family isn’t affiliated with a synagogue?

We’re thrilled to celebrate BMitzvah with your family! We will prepare and facilitate your celebration at Makom Community, in a service led by the group of learners becoming BMitzvah that year. We plan these each year in May. Makom Community has a Torah and everything you and your family will need to celebrate together.

Final Rosh Pinah Project

In the months leading up to the BMitzvah ceremony, each student works on a final Rosh Pinah project. This project is intended to be the culmination of their Rosh Pinah study; a deeply personal, thoroughly researched, and complete project in the subject and medium of their choice. The completed project represents true mastery of one piece of Jewish adulthood.