Special Friday Electives
The lead up to Shabbat at Makom is a special time! To highlight and revel in that unique moment, we’re imagining offering a rotation of electives. You’ll still sign up for Fridays for the whole year. Electives will rotate quarterly. Options could include:
- Fiber arts
- Robotics
- Cardboard crafting
- Baking
- Folk dance or creative movement
- Youth choir
- Tabletop Role-Playing Games
- Yoga
- Theatre games
- Tefilah (prayer) workshop
- Anafim (5th-7th grade) one-on-one meetings
We would offer a number of electives based on enrollment, and include time for learners to try a few options to see what they want to commit to. There will still be challah baking every week, Shabbat-friendly unstructured time, and our usual schedule of Family Shabbat Celebrations and dinners.
Shabbat at Makom Community
Shabbat is for family time! Welcoming Shabbat together each Friday is a cornerstone of our week. Our goal is to invite all parents to transmit Jewish ideas to their families in a way that resonates for their unique, beautiful family. Many weeks, we gather for Family Shabbat Celebrations on special Fridays. During Family Shabbat Celebrations, children get to see their parents learn a bit of what they explored during the week and then turn to their own child(ren) and say, “In our family, we see it like this…” These Friday night services are filled with ruach (energy), age-appropriate activities, and movement for children and adults. In case it’s helpful to any of the adults in your family, we always provide fully transliterated materials with any Hebrew prayers or singing. We want Shabbat at Makom to be accessible to our whole community.
Visit our calendar to see when each of these fabulous celebrations are happening!