Snow Day Shenanigans!

What a hilarious snow day we had! By the time it was snowing enough to be fun to play outside, the visibility wasn’t great, and the falling snow was icy. So we had a short snow walk (not quite two blocks) to check out the weather, and hunkered down inside the rest of the day. One of the major highlights on the day was watching the small ways throughout the day that campers of all ages led activities for each other.

We played games as friends arrived this morning. Then we created Picasso portraits– they were surreal! Some of them were self-portraits where the artists were robots, had mountain hats, or were otherwise wearing rearranged faces. I loved seeing all our campers’ creativity shine through as they worked. Next, we made chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch, which was DELICIOUS. A second grade camper decided to take the lead with reading the recipe, and a friend lined up all the ingredients we’d use in order to make the group cooking project easier.

After art and baking, we had an extra moment as we transitioned to drama. One of our 3rd grade students announced that we were going to play “whisper down the lane.” She carefully made sure that everyone knew how to play and everyone who wanted to start or end got to do that, too.

Then we got dramatic! We divided our campers into groups, handed them various props, and asked them to create a skit that used each prop. We had aliens attacking the planets, family trips to the beach, cleaning contests, and such hilarity! I got to see some kindergarten and first grade campers really lead and shape the skits they created. It was amazing how seamlessly everyone listened to their insights and let them lead.

We had a lovely, relaxed lunch together. Toward the end of lunch, one of our kindergarten students announced, “I’m thinking of a food. You guess!” He let friends guess, and then other kiddos offered to let friends guess. They continued playing that for a while until it was time to get up and wiggle!

We went to the classroom for freeze dance and activity dice. Even being inside most of the day, we still need to move! Anytime the music stopped, we did, too. Then we rolled dice and used a list posted on the wall to know whether we should do 10 jumping jacks, spin for 10 seconds, give everyone a high-five, or crab walk around the room. 

The snow was finally accumulating, so we suited up and headed outside! It looked wet and beautiful… but what we couldn’t anticipate is that the falling snow was icy and just not that comfortable to be out in. After we walked a couple blocks, we huddled and decided to come back in.

Then we enjoyed our homemade cookie cake and settled in to watch one of my favorite childhood cartoons– Animaniacs. All that laughter was a great top off to a fun and silly snow day! 


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