COVID-19 POLICY (Last Updated: 02/27/25)
Vaccine Policy
Up-to-date annual COVID boosters are required for participation for all eligible adults and children.
FAQ Covid-19
Symptom Monitoring
Please monitor your children for symptoms and test at home if a child has symptoms that could be COVID-19. If two or more COVID-19 symptoms are observed at Makom Community, we will ask you to pick up your child for an at-home, rapid test.
All family members, students, and staff over six months old must be up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccinations (including available boosters each fall) in order to enroll at Makom Community or attend programming. Please make sure to upload your childrens’ vaccine cards with the rest of their forms. Participating parents and grandparents will do so on the honor system that their vaccinations are up-to-date.
We are currently mask optional. We follow COVID numbers closely and will continue to mask during COVID surges. We will stay in regular communication with the pediatricians advising us and the families in our community.
If you test positive…
Please stay home until you are fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducers and feeling better. After that point, if you are welcome to return to Makom programming.