Curious about what you can expect from Makom Community’s School’s Out Camp? This blog takes a quick look at the joy, playfulness, and community building that characterize Makom Community camp days.
What are ways that we can make sure our tent includes everybody in our community? At the start of Tefilah: Prayer, Music, and Movement, during Mah Tovu, campers made a tent with one or two friends. By the end, campers had created a tent that connected our entire community! This set us up for an amazing, inclusive week of camp together!
After learning about Rube Goldberg and his amazingly complex cartoon machines, campers got to try their hand at Marble Run. What’s the most complicated way to get the marble from one point to another? How can we use teamwork to make sure everyone is included?
Splashing around at Dillworth Park was a blast! What a fun way to cool down from the summer heat and spend time together outdoors. In this way, we make space for and bolster limitless joy.
What does your face say about the way that you feel? What about a friend’s face? Campers explored how to recognize different emotions in themselves and others as a part of the “Your Brain” exhibit at the Franklin Institute!
August camp gave us an opportunity to get to know new friends and reconnect with old friends as we played, moved our bodies, and explored parts of Philadelphia. Being together was so much fun and I can’t wait until our next camp day together!