Category: Learning this Week

More Shalom in the World

Every day in Tfilah: Prayer, Music, and Movement, we include a prayer for Shalom—peace and wholeness. We usually preface it with something like this: There are LOTS of ways to be Jewish, but when Jewish communities all over the world get together for Tfilah—prayer,  there is one thing they always pray for… SHALOM! Because we all know the world could…

Summer Camp & Fall 2015 Enrollment

It is truly hard to believe we’re coming to a close on our first FANTATSTIC school year at Makom Community! Thank you to all of you who have joined us on Shabbat, camp days, and in our afterschool programming. Our enrollment is really growing for the fall, and we have a limited number of spaces available. If you’re considering enrolling,…

What makes a Makom more than just a place?

Today our students studied Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28:10-22). It includes this amazing dream scene in a makom, which is usually translated simply as “place”, though there is a whole lot that isn’t captured by that one word translation. Jacob is on his way to find a spouse in the land of Canaan, but he stops in a makom (place) to rest on…

Snow Day Tomorrow? Camp is open!

If the Philadelphia Public Schools are closed tomorrow, we’re open for camp from 9am-6pm! Have your 4 year old to 3rd grade child(ren) join us for a full day of friends, Purim fun, and playing in the snow!   Register here, or call to let us know you’re coming.  Dropoff begins at 9am. Please send your child with lunch, and we will provide snacks throughout the…

Snow Day Camps!

Looks like we may have some snow days this week! We wanted to drop you a line and let you know that if the Philadelphia School District closes, then Makom Community will be open for snow day camps! We know you need to get to work, and we’re looking forward to hanging out with your kids! We’ll have a full…

Exploring Shema—so many possibilities!

As we’ve explored Shema together for the last few weeks, we keep circling back to all the opportunities Shema presents us to live holy lives, lives infused with meaning and intentionality supported by Jewish ritual.   Of those opportunities to make time for holiness and intentionality, tefilin are perhaps the strangest to our 2015 eyes and sensibilities. So we started…

Winter Break Camps

We had so much fun during our winter break camp days! We met a bunch of new friends– none of our brave campers knew more than one other child when they arrived, but by the end, they all had a bunch of new friends! Our next* camp is Monday 1/19, MLK Jr. Day. It will include a service-learning opportunity. Sign…

Celebrating Chanukah

We had a great time celebrating Chanukah together! Celebrating with lots of friends at Barnes & Noble. Joining the Kehilah of Center City to light candles in Rittenhouse Square. Lighting candles each night together. Singing and dancing! Playing with light and darkness and practicing the Hebrew letters we know, too! Learning stories of brave people who stood up for what they…

Winter Camps: Frozen, Chocolate, and Beauty & The Beast!

Hello all!  Maya here, lead teacher at Makom Community.  I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about our super fun upcoming winter break camp days on Monday December 29th, Tuesday December 30th, and Friday January 2nd.  Each winter break camp day includes a field trip, healthy snacks, Jewish learning and fun! Here’s all the information on camp…

Winter Break Camps… Coming Soon!

We are so excited about our winter break camp days! Your children can have amazing adventures at Makom Community, when you need to be at work on 12/29, 12/30, and 1/2.  We have some very exciting plans for each of these camp days, and some feedback from you will help us determine which camp will take place on which date.  Pick up and…

Transitions are Hard on Humans!

Transition can be hard on people of all ages—going from the office to home, from home to school, from being cared for to being the caretaker, and from summer into fall. We go through endless transitions each day and throughout our lives. When our children are little, we have bedtime routines, morning routines, and rituals that help children feel more…

Israel Vacation Camp Getaway November 3-4

One week from today, Makom Community is hosting a two-day Israel Vacation Getaway Camp! Where better to escape than Israel, just as it is getting cold out?! We will be exploring the tastes, sights, and culture of Israel for two days! Our camp programming includes time both days with our artist-in-residence Rabbi Mordechai Rosenstein. He’ll facilitate art projects around playing with…

Getting Ready For Yom Kippur

Hello all!  Maya here, lead teacher at Makom Community.  I’ll be popping up on the blog here from time to time.  I have so enjoyed getting to work with our students these past few weeks.  I am continually impressed by the insights they share and the work they create at our different shulchanot avodah (learning centers).  Last week we explored…

Coming up… This week at Makom Community!

We’re so excited to have our kindergarten students join us this week! We’ll spend our first weeks getting to know each other and laying the groundwork to collaborate on our Makom Community Brit. A Brit is an amazingly special kind of promise. It’s the Hebrew word used when God tells Noah that the world will never be flooded again, and…

NEW at Makom Community

Half-Day Camps Beginning 9/17 Greenfield Elementary and Chester Arthur Elementary parents both got information this week about a significant number of half-days when their child’s elementary school will be closed. I can only imagine that’s a pretty stressful piece of information for families who have already made afterschool and other childcare arrangements. So we leapt to our feet and began…

Our House is Open!

We’re SO excited for the opening of Makom Community Afterschool on September 8! Thanks to all the families who joined us for our Open House today! Missed it and want to come visit? Join us for next week’s open house– Monday 8/25 from 5:30-7pm or be in touch to schedule a tour! Check out these pictures of our some of…

It Takes a Village… Join us on Indiegogo!

We are just 37 days from Makom Community Afterschool’s opening day on September 3! And we’re so excited about it! Just like it takes a supportive community to raise children, it takes a supportive community to help Makom Community be prepared for our launch. And we need your help to make sure we have a high quality program ready to…

A New Model For Jewish Learning Community

Thanks to our friends at Jkid Philly and Jewish Learning Venture who shared this blog post about Makom Community (also below). Also, if your children are between the ages of six months and 8 years and are not yet getting free PJ Library books and CDs in the mail, definitely sign up for that while you’re there!  I’m working on…