Tag: wisekids

The BMitzvah cohort become Rodfei Tzedek!The BMitzvah cohort become Rodfei Tzedek!

What motivates you to pursue justice? “Anti-anti-semitism,” Zoey says. “I know Jewish people have experienced oppression in the past and that makes me want to fight oppression now.” “My friend who has a different identity than me,” Remi says. “She is amazing and has gone through so much.”   Our BMitzvah cohort are true rodfei tzedek, seekers of justice, and our…

BMitzvah Makes a PilgrimageBMitzvah Makes a Pilgrimage

In the days of the ancient temple in Jerusalem, Jews would travel to the temple for the three pilgrimage holidays, Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot. While today, we often think of pilgrimage as being more present in other religious traditions, the act of walking towards a holy place is a part of Jewish tradition. Whether knowing that makes it easier to…