About Makom Community

Quick Facts about Makom Community

  • Daily, High-Quality Jewish Education during after school hours
  • Children Ages 4-18 (k through 12th grade)
  • 5th-7th Grade Students in Anafim as they journey toward BMitzvah
  • Project-Based and Child-Led Learning
  • School’s Out Camps During School Closures (based on School District of Philadelphia calendar)

Our Families

Our families live in and near the heart of Philadelphia. The diversity of each of our families adds to the richness of Makom Community, whether they are lifelong Philadelphians or new to the City of Brotherly Love, born Jews or Jews by choice, single-faith or interfaith families, straight-identified or LGBT-identified, with a pet goldfish or without a pet goldfish… well, you get the idea. We’re eager to support a variety of families on the journey of raising Jewish kids.

Our Learners

The kids who are part of Jewish Enrichment attend a variety of schools in the Philadelphia area: public schools, charter schools, and several private schools. While at Makom Community, our learners make new friends and build lasting relationships with peers and role models while immersed in Jewish community. They investigate Jewish wisdom in creative and innovative ways. Kids at Makom Community also get to play and explore LOTS of ways to immerse themselves in Jewish life while actively taking part in building the community they need.

Visit our calendar to see when each of these fabulous celebrations are happening!

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