In conclusion, last week was extra silly and fun here at Makom Community! What? This blog is wackbards! Er, I mean backwards. That’s because its Purim Katan, which is a time of wacky, backwards, joyous nonsense. We mixed things up with extra treats, Ivrit (Hebrew language) games, calendar exploration, a surprise snow day, and backwards shenanigans. Stay tuned next week for a return to our unit on Hagaddah as we get ready for Pesach (Passover).
We treated ourselves to water-ice this week for some silly, joyful Adar shenanigans! Adar is the name of the Hebrew month we are in right now, and it is a time where our joy is supposed to increase! We talked about the Hebrew calendar, and how time is made up, and that leap years happen, and how does that even work?! Check it out! We used this site to find our birthdays on the Hebrew calendar! After that, we then found out when our Hebrew calendar birthdays fall on the secular calendar this year. Double birthday celebrations!
Appropriately, we had a summer themed snow day camp this week, where we embraced the wackiness of Purim Katan by building sand castles out of…not sand, playing some balloon games, and going on a field trip to play in the “sand” at the Greenfield “beach”.
On Tuesday a kindergartner started singing “Od yavo” at the beginning of Tefilah, so we decided to do Tefilah backwards. Purim Katan is a great time to follow our kiddos where they lead, as they are our experts on silliness.
We started our week off with an Ivrit intensive camp day, to start off a week of Ivrit exploration. Here are some of the things we did!
We decorated signs that show the months of the Hebrew calendar.
We made an aleph-bet poster.
We painted the aleph-bet on cookies.
We practiced our Ivrit by writing out letters in shaving cream, playdough, and sand!
Welcome to this wacky backwards blog, in it you will find tales of silliness from our week, and amusing pictures and stories of our expertly goofy kiddos. Continue on to delight in our wacky wintry week!