This week at Makom Community, we had our very own chocolate Seder! We have been doing a deep dive into haggadah over the past few months, and this was a delicious way to let your kiddos use what they’ve been learning about! Take a look and see some pictures of our tasty Seder!
We tasted the sweetness of freedom as we retold the leaving Egypt story, following along in our homemade haggadot.
We said Kadesh over three cups of chocolate milk. (We thought a fourth cup would be too much).

We ate chocolate covered matzah.
Our karpas was strawberries that we dipped twice in chocolate sauce. Yum!

We remembered the bitterness of slavery with our unsweetened bitter baking chocolate maror.
We made korech out of chocolate covered matzah, bitter chocolate, and our charoset made with smashed oreos, coconut flakes, chocolate sauce and nuts.
We started our holiday meal with a traditional egg made out of chocolate.
What a sweet and fun way to practice having a Seder. We have been talking about how Seders have been changed and innovated over time, and it was fun to explore one of those innovations. Stay tuned next week for a peek into some more special programming we are doing at Makom Community!