We just finished two fabulous weeks of June camp! We had a blast doing art projects, scavenger hunts, moving our bodies, reading books, and so much more.
During our first week of camp, we focused on theatre and our Avot v’Imahot (ancestors). We played improv games, learned all about the elements of a narrative, and even wrote and performed a play! We began our week by learning about our Avot v’Imahot: Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, and Rachel. We read stories, and brainstormed what different characters’ superpowers are:
What are Avraham’s superpowers?
- He can talk to God
- He can walk for a long time
- He has a lot of faith
What are Sarah’s superpowers?
- Being beautiful
- She’s sneaky
What are Yitzchak’s superpowers?
- He has a lot of trust in Avraham
- He can walk long distances
What are Rivkah’s superpowers?
- She is a very comforting person
- She can handle a lot of discomfort
What are Yaakov’s superpowers?
- He has a lot of belief in God
- He can go a long time without sleep
What are Rachel’s superpowers?
- Being beautiful
- She is probably helpful around the house
What are Leah’s superpowers?
- She is a good trickster
- She knows what she wants
After brainstorming the superpowers of our Avot v’Imahot, we came up with our own superpowers, and something that we could teach our friends!
- I can teach misparim (numbers) and tell everyone how to count to 10 in Hebrew
- I can teach you about axolotls
- I can teach you how to draw an ice cream cone
- I can teach you how to build a Lego car
We used our superpowers to write our play, using our Avot v’Imahot as the main characters. Throughout the week, we wrote the story, wrote a script, brainstormed settings, designed sets, and made our costumes. Our week concluded with a performance for parents and Family Shabbat.
Our second week of June camp focused on fairy tales and superheroes. We brainstormed how we can be super, and who our everyday superheroes are.
What superheroes do you know in your life?
- Superman
- Wonder Woman
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- The dove from Noah’s Ark
- The Flash
- God
- YouTube because it entertains us
We read lots of fairy tales, including Jack and the Beanstalk, and two different versions of Cinderella with a Jewish twist. We spent lots of time outside at the playground, had many scrumptious snacks, and made so many new friends.
We still have three weeks of camp happening in August in both Center City and South Philly! Join us the weeks of August 9th, August 16th, and August 23rd for School’s Out Camp at Makom Community. You can enroll here.