This week we embarked upon a discussion of what holiness means.
Learners shared their ideas as we unpacked this big concept:
- Holiness is something special.
- It reminds me of when we say Holy Moly Guacamole!
- It’s something crazy or big.
- It has to do with God.
- I think of Jewish things, like holidays.
- Objects can be holy.
- It’s holy to love which feels good, you can show love with hugs and kisses.
- It’s related to something good.
During snack time learning kiddos generated a list of things that are holy to them:
- Cats
- Judaism
- Love
- Dreidel
- Food
- Torah
We continued to explore this concept as we reflected on what makes us holy. Learners shared their special talents with one another and some even made instructional videos about how to do their talents. Check It out!
As we discussed what makes us unique kiddos shared the following thoughts:
- Jewish is Jewish, love is love.
- Jewish people don’t act as other people, we are trying to be different.
- Everyone is different in at least one way.
- Everyone’s family celebrates differently.
- I love to share what I really love.
- We can’t all be good at the same things because that’s too many things.
- When I have a big feeling I sing about it.
Kiddos shared that it felt “good, warm, amazing, and joyous, peaceful, wonderful” to share their special talents. Toward the end of the week, we went on a nighttime walk to explore holiness in our neighborhood. Kiddos were thrilled to investigate small things which felt holy, special, and important to them.
We discovered so many holy things:
- Trees.
- Rocks.
- A witch snowman.
- Frida Khalo.
- Lights.
- My home!
- Flowers and flower pots.
- Pumpkins and pinecones.
- The peace thingie.
- Friends.
- The old Makom!
- Light up candy corn.
- A wreath.
Learners noticed:
- Night sounds make me feel calm.
- It makes me feel happy to see my house.
- The sound of a cricket.
- The sky is dark and cloudy.
In this unit, we are considering how we can nurture the light around us, in order to more easily grow the light and holiness inside ourselves. We look forward to diving into this learning next week!