Collaborative Fairytale from Shrek Camp

During our Shrek camp day, we created fairytale creatures and then wrote a FABULOUS story using all of their unique and special skills and talents. And each one’s sense of humor got to shine through, too. 

Makom Community fairytale

Aliza: Aliza monster would be really good at helping if someone gets hurt.

Drew: Pizza Belly monster would eat all the pizza.  Also has a special pocket that can carry a lot of things and also is a magic wand that can open directly into his belly.

Remi: Structure of our fairytale – beginning all the monsters introduce themselves, middle problem, end solution.

Beverly: What if we start with the monsters at a club meeting and then someone comes in with a problem and all the monsters’ powers need to be combined to solve it?

Zoey: Wilgapolk monster is really nice.  She can transform into having a regular shirt, or a snake, or a man with a mustache and a beard – anything she wants.  She’s the treasurer at the club meeting because she has a lot of pockets.

Remi: Pumpkin monster on Halloween gets extra powers to scare away robbers by transforming into a jack-o-lantern.

Brody: Ploody monster can eat money to stop people from stealing it, and then she can take it out of herself to give it back to the people it belonged too.  It can actually do it with anything, even a baby, to save it.


Hugger the monster stood up to start the Monster Club Meeting.  “Hello everyone!  I’m Hugger.  Welcome to the first meeting of the Monster Club!  I’m so glad you’re all here.  Please introduce yourselves so we can get ready for our mission.”

“Hi, my name is Aliza, and I can help anybody that gets hurt.  I have special things inside me that I can take out to help people.”

“Hello everybody,” said Wilgapolk in a vaguely British accent, “my name is Wilgapolk! My power is to transform or transfigurate into anything I want.  And I also have a lot of pockets, for your information.  I shall be the new treasurer this year.”

“My name is Pumpkin! And my power is that on Halloween, if someone tries to steal any candy or anything like that, I transform into a jack-o-lantern to scare them.  OK, everybody?”

“My name is Ploody.  And if someone tries to rob something I put it in my throat and I can take it out and track it with my tracker to give it back to the person that it’s from.”

“Hello, monsters.  My name is Pizza Belly.  I eat pizza!  My super power is, with a wand, I have a secret pocket inside me, and I use it to bring anything into my belly: pizza, bananas, and marshmallows, but mostly pizza.  And I eat pizza, everywhere I go, or else I throw up.”

Hugger said, “There’s this really big problem and I need your help.  I can’t solve this problem alone and it will take all of our strengths to do it.”

Aliza said, “Someone got hurt, and we have to help them!”

Wilgapolk offers, “I can transform into a bird to see where they are.  Where did it happen, Aliza?”

“Halt everything!” shouted Pumpkin, “I see a person crying over by the lake, and they’re almost rolling in there.  Come on, people, help, Help, HELP!”

“If the person that’s hurt has any money that someone stole then I can take it,” offers Ploody. “Where is it?”

“Wait! I see something!” exclaims Pizza Belly, “I see someone taking pizza from the pizza shop without asking!  And there’s a cat in the bag with the pizza!  We need to save that cat and my pizza right now!”

Hugger looks desperate.  “What can we do?!”

Aliza turns to Wilgapolk and asks, “Can you fly me over to the lake to help me save the person there?”

“Yes, my dear, I can turn into an owl and you can tell me where to go.  You can be my GPS.”

“Hey Ploody!  Hey Pizza Belly!” cries Pumpkin.  “Do you want to come to the pizza shop with me to stop the pizza robber? I can carry the cat, Ploody, you can carry the money, and Pizza Belly can take the pizza.”

Ploody agrees, “OK!” and opens the window for Wilgapolk and Aliza to fly out to the lake.

Pizza Belly sees the robber take the pizza, the money, and the cat into a car to drive away.  “Let’s go get that pizza back now before it’s all gone!  Like now, people!”

Aliza and Wilgapolk arrive at the lake.  Aliza approaches the person there and says, “What happened?  How did you get hurt?”

The person answers, “My name is Goo-Ga.  The robber who stole the pizza, the money, and the cat also took my car.  And the cat cut me while it was trying to get away.”

Wilgapolk says, “I think Aliza has a first aid kit in her compartment.  She’ll help you get better.” Aliza and Wilgapolk administer first aid to Goo-Ga and then they are all better.

Pumpkin gets to the pizza shop and puts on her googly eyes, nose, and mouth and jumps out in front of the robber’s car.  “I’m coming to haunt you!”  The robber got so scared that he dropped the money, and the cat, and the pizza, and ran away.  Ploody ate the money to keep it safe.

Then Pizza Belly said, “How about my lucky Knuffle Bunny, I’m going to send him to fart on the robber so he’s gone for good.  And then I’m going to take the pizza, put it in my stomach, and take it back to the shop, so everything is safe.  Now our mission is all done!”


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