Category: Learning this Week

Walk and Talk: A New Year BlessingWalk and Talk: A New Year Blessing

Tekiiiiyaaaaa! Do you hear the sound of the shofar? We’ve already been hearing it for a week at Makom Community. Rosh Hashanah is coming up this Monday and Tuesday, and we’ve got some special plans at Makom Community to celebrate. We’ll be enjoying some extra sweet apples-and-honey themed snacks as well as some extra sweet projects and activities. In the…

On God and MisunderstandingsOn God and Misunderstandings

What do we know about God? How does the description of God in the story of Migdal Bavel (the Tower of Babel) add to or challenge our pre-existing understanding? Why does God make people unable to understand each other in this story? How did they respond to their misunderstandings? How do we respond to ours? Read on to find out…

Walk and Talk: Advice and MisunderstandingsWalk and Talk: Advice and Misunderstandings

Construction has begun in the valley of Shinar where the people have gathered. God notices the tower and the city that the people are building and doesn’t seem to like them. God says, “Let’s go look at what they’re doing.” And then, “Let’s mixup their speech so they can no longer understand each other”– lo yishm’u ish s’fat re’ehu (Genesis…

Is It Summer Yet?!Is It Summer Yet?!

Is it summer yet?! How many days left of school? Are you counting today or not? How many minutes is that? Sound familiar? In your family, are these insistent questions followed by a challenging transition to summer? The whole structure of our kids’ lives changes, and there can be real pain with that shift in reality. Beginning a new school…

Stop! It’s Party Time!

This week we are celebrating Lag BaOmer, a Jewish holiday on the 33rd day of the Omer.  We’re counting up 49 days from the 2nd night of Passover. The 50th day will be the holiday of Shavuot when Jews celebrate receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai. The Omer is a time of mourning for the Jewish people. Some Jews observe…

Smell You Later!

This week we are discovering what kinds of brachot (blessings) we say over smells! We are delving into smell’s relationship with taste, memory, and how we feel.  We are exploring the way smell enriches our lives and brings us into the present. Read on to hear about the smelly activities we have been doing! We are making bath fizzies using…

Thunderbolts and Lightning, Very Very Frightening!Thunderbolts and Lightning, Very Very Frightening!

This week we are learning all about thunder, lighting and rainbows and exploring the ways we can appreciate them as parts of creation, even though they can be scary.  We are spending time talking about how these elements feel, what they look and sound like, how we feel about them, and the science behind them. We are learning the brachot…

Noticing NatureNoticing Nature

This week at Makom Community, we are paying attention to the parts of creation that make us gasp in amazement. We began with a nature walk through the city. We noticed nature and took lots of pictures along the way. Read on to see what we noticed:  I made that face because a bug just tried to go in my eye!  The flower was the shape of a bell pepper. …

Makom Community Leaves EgyptMakom Community Leaves Egypt

Last week, we completed the final stretch of our Pesach (Passover) unit. We did Bedikat Chametz (checking for bread products) by playing hide and seek games with chametz (bread products). And we did Biyur Chametz by destroying all the chametz. We closed out our week with a camp day about the leaving Egypt story. Read on to get the details!  We had lots of fun hiding chametz around Makom Community.  One day our older and younger students hid chametz for each other.   For Biyur Chametz we…

Sweet FreedomSweet Freedom

This week we have been enjoying our status as free people! What are things that free people get to do? Read on to find out! Free people get to make music! We were fortunate enough to have Ami Yares come visit. He helped us write a song, and performed a fabulous concert! Check out our song writing process: These are…

Chocolate SederChocolate Seder

This week at Makom Community, we had our very own chocolate Seder! We have been doing a deep dive into haggadah over the past few months, and this was a delicious way to let your kiddos use what they’ve been learning about! Take a look and see some pictures of our tasty Seder! We tasted the sweetness of freedom as…

Agreeing To DisagreeAgreeing To Disagree

What do we do when we disagree? With each other? With a text? With Torah? It happens! This week we wrestled with a Pesach classic, Dayenu.What? Wrestled? But that song is so catchy! It’s also pretty violent and poses some values that we don’t share and that aren’t totally comfortable to us at Makom Community. The premise of Dayenu is thanking God for all the things that God did…

Purim Adventures!Purim Adventures!

This week has been a grand Purim adventure! We celebrated with sweet treats, fabulous crafts, and wacky theater.  Read on for the delicious details! We baked our own hamantashen and we also made hamantashen groggers, but we kept our wits together enough to tell them apart. We have spent the past couple weeks crafting and rehearsing our very own Purim Shpiel, complete with homemade props and costumes, dance…

Q and A with Erev!Q and A with Erev!

This week our 3-5th graders are practicing their question asking in preparation for Pesach! We had them look through a section of the Hagaddah, list 3 questions, say what page of the Hagaddah their question came from, and then pass their page of questions to a friend. Then the friend looked in the Hagaddah on those pages to find an answer. Here are their questions and answers! Q:…

The Four ChildrenThe Four Children

This week we stepped into the shoes of the four children at the Pesach (Passover) seder. Often these four children are described as wise, wicked, simple, and unable to ask a question. We unpacked all of those qualities and looked at how we can be like any of these four kiddos at any given time. Read on to see what your multifaceted…

Wacky Backwards Words (try saying that ten times, fast)!Wacky Backwards Words (try saying that ten times, fast)!

In conclusion, last week was extra silly and fun here at Makom Community! What? This blog is wackbards! Er, I mean backwards. That’s because its Purim Katan, which is a time of wacky, backwards, joyous nonsense. We mixed things up with extra treats, Ivrit (Hebrew language) games, calendar exploration, a surprise snow day, and backwards shenanigans. Stay tuned next week for a…

One Crazy TimeOne Crazy Time

One crazy time at Makom Community, we started a brand new unit! This week we started our unit on Haggadah, the story of how we became the Jewish people. It’s a story we tell often, but especially on Pesach. Take a look and see our first steps on this exciting adventure! We experienced the joy of grape juice by making…

Tefilah: End Of Unit Project!Tefilah: End Of Unit Project!

This week we wrapped up our unit on Tefilah (prayerful conversation). This unit culminated in a final project where kids made panels that represent each of the tefilot we do. Continue on to get a glimpse into our process! We began with a conversation about what Tefilah helps people do: Ask God questions, because we want things we can’t get at Target. Believe that things…

What Does God Do?What Does God Do?

This week we delved into the second paragraph of the amidah called gevurot. Gevurot lists some of the ways God’s powers and presence manifest in our world. We unpacked what some of those powers are, what they look like, and how we can do them too! One thing that stuck with me was when a kindergartener said that we could be  godlike by…

Makom Community: An Origin StoryMakom Community: An Origin Story

This week we are exploring a text that is near and dear to Makom Community’s personal history. We are looking at the story of Yaakov and the dream he had in a very special makom (place). In this dream, Yaakov receives some important information about his future: he is lying on the VERY land that his descendants will inherit, and…

Tefilah: Building toward Lifelong Personal & Communal MindfulnessTefilah: Building toward Lifelong Personal & Communal Mindfulness

Makom Community is in an exciting place with regard to Tefilah (prayerful conversations) right now. With our new space and growing groups of both older Erev and younger Boker students, we have all kinds of thrilling, new opportunities to expand our model for teaching Tefilah. Our younger students engage with Tefilah in a few ways: 1) Communal Singing 2) Movement…

Oh No—Maybe Tefilah Can Help!Oh No—Maybe Tefilah Can Help!

Have you ever desperately wanted something that you couldn’t have? What was that like? What did you do about it? What kind of support would you have wanted in that moment? This unit, we’re examining stories about the avot and imahot (patriarchs and matriarchs), with an eye to moments of tefilah (prayerful conversation) that these characters have. One such moment…

Tefilah As Conversation: Magen Avraham

Tefilah isn’t just prayer, music, and movement, it is also a conversation! We started a new unit where we are unpacking the ways in which Tefilah can be a conversation, and what those conversations can look like. This week we are looking at the part of Amidah that talks about our avot v‘imahot, aka our forefathers and mothers. Let’s zoom in on Avraham! God is described as being…

Building Our Brit With LoveBuilding Our Brit With Love

How can we make sure there’s room here for everyone to be who they are? How do I act in a way that lets people (both myself and everyone else) be who they are, with all their heart, mind, and strength? At Makom Community we value creating a space where we show love and feel loved.  One way we do that is by creating a Brit, a two–way promise, that…