Category: Learning this Week

BMitzvah October Update!BMitzvah October Update!

  We are two weeks into our first Rosh Pinah project about all things tefilah (prayer). After our exploration of tefillah gear, we have been learning about the various opinions about when communal prayer began, diving into ancient and rabbinic Jewish history. We talked about what Jewish communal worship looked like during the time of the Temples about the early…

Community and Holiness

Makom @ Home started off our Fall session exploring what community means and what is holiness. We read a text from Leviticus about Bnei Yisrael (the Jewish People) being a community and being holy because God is holy. We started off our questions thinking about who is part of the Bnei Yisrael community while they were wandering in the desert…

Is Two Truly Better Than One?Is Two Truly Better Than One?

This week, we looked at the Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 text, “Two are better than one… for should they fall, one can raise the other; but oh no! for the one who is alone and falls with no companion to raise them!”  Garinim started off our learning on Tuesday with a trust fall activity. Kiddos had the opportunity to fall with a…

Welcoming Warm and Fuzzy Feelings!Welcoming Warm and Fuzzy Feelings!

Another beautiful week at Makom has come and gone. As we worked through themes of companionship, helping, and the mitzvah (commandment) of the essential Jewish prayer, Shema. I observed so many moments of growth and learning this week.  During snack time learning, we tested out our peace walk. Learners have been creating this resource to support problem-solving with agency when…

Reflections On Back-To-School NightReflections On Back-To-School Night

Getting used to kids back in school and parents working from home or the office is a huge adjustment for all our families right now! Makom Community is so glad to be a part of the support system holding your family through this transition. This week, Center City and South Philly families met with Beverly, Amanda, and Leah to hear…

If Not Now…When?If Not Now…When?

With fall in the air and the High Holidays behind us, we were excited to experience this joyful five-day week with students! We explored Jewish wisdom around boundary setting, independence, communication, and the importance of treating others with kindness.  I was blown away by how much these kiddos already know about themselves and their needs. During shulchanot avodah students had…

Support and ConnectionSupport and Connection

This week as we considered how loving our neighbors shapes our relationships with ourselves, each other, and our world. Student’s displayed true examples of introspection, collaboration, and chesed (kindness). We sat together in the yard taking in the crisp fall air as we discussed different support systems. Learners talked about bridges and other physical support systems. Olivia and I made…

The Whole Torah On One Foot

Our Makom @ Home learners have been working hard and playing hard all month long! We have set out on “Textsploration” expeditions journeying through all the Fall Jewish holidays and singing songs about them too, including this one by Billy Jonas. Our last text for Simchat Torah, the holiday where we finish reading the end of the torah and start over…

BMitzvah Update!BMitzvah Update!

       We are getting into the swing of things in BMitzvah class! During Sukkot, we were ate snack and had Tefillah in the sukkah, incorporating shaking the lulav and etrog into Tefillah. That was super fun!          In text study each day, our learners are asking rich questions and creating their own commentary. Everyone decorated a binder…

Welcoming Sukkot in Our Sukkah!Welcoming Sukkot in Our Sukkah!

Sukkot is here! Our sukkah is up! Makom Community is ready celebrate with our neighbors and strangers! Last week, we explored the commandment to love our neighbors and this week, we unpacked it’s equally important counterpart: to love the stranger and treat them as one of our own people (Leviticus 19:33-34). The Garinim pondered questions like: Who is a stranger?…

Neighbors and Strangers in the SukkahNeighbors and Strangers in the Sukkah

This week we gathered in celebration of Sukkot and discussed pieces of the Torah related to concepts of neighbors, strangers, and welcoming. Learners shared wisdom with one another as we dug into questions which helped us unpack the relationship between ourselves and the world around us.   As we sat around tables underneath the sunshine inside the Sukkah, kiddos grappled with…

High Holidays and Beyond! High Holidays and Beyond! 

As we closed our learning about Rosh Hashanah last week, we began reflecting on ideas about Yom Kippur. Although September is full of short weeks, we are packing in all kinds of creative and engaging opportunities for joy and growth.  During these two weeks we have been discussing community, neighbors, how we treat one another, how we understand and rectify…

BMitzvah Beginnings!BMitzvah Beginnings!

BMitzvah has been off to a great start this year. I have been delighted to find the learners all know each other quite well across the grades, enjoy talking, being silly, and learning together. We have been spending snack time these first few days out on Sansom Street playing some games to get to know each other more. Our first…

What Makes A Community?What Makes A Community?

During this short week of Jewish Enrichment in Center City, we shared our own Rosh Hashanah celebrations and gave thought to the question: what makes up a community? Some kiddos in Garinim thought that a community was: A school or afterschool A group of people, plants, and animals A school inside of a school How do we make a community?…

Welcome Back to Jewish Enrichment in Center City!Welcome Back to Jewish Enrichment in Center City!

Welcome back to Jewish Enrichment at Makom Community! What a fabulous (and also semi crazy) first week of learning and playing with your kiddos. We started off our week with some name games, get-to-know-you-ing, and conversations about how to keep ourselves and each other safe and happy. We also started learning about the upcoming holiday, Rosh HaShanah (Jewish New Year)….

Makom @ Home Fall 2021

Last year, we wanted to bring our FABULOUS Makom Community learning to kids across the country, so we launched Makom @ Home. This year, we are offering it in an even more flexible way. Ages We will have upper and lower elementary school cohorts for kids 4-6, and 7-10 years old. If you think your child is on the border…

Nitzanim Unit 4 Showcase: Holy MomentsNitzanim Unit 4 Showcase: Holy Moments

The Nitzanim (3rd and 4th graders) presented their fourth and final showcase for the year! This unit’s big idea was holy moments, viewed through the text of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes). We focused on creating a Pinat Shalom (peace corner) for the Nitzanim classroom. We noticed that we needed a space to rest and relax, and a space to be in if…

Adventures with the ShabbackpackAdventures with the Shabbackpack

In pre-pandemic times, we welcomed Shabbat in what felt like the most natural way. Families would come together every Friday afternoon. We would sing songs, reflect on our week, and bring in Shabbat together. Importantly, this gave families the opportunity to truly connect with one another. Not just as parents of kids in the same class, but as valued members…

A Time for Learning, and a Time for ReviewingA Time for Learning, and a Time for Reviewing

Wow! The end of Unit 4 already! We can hardly believe how quickly this school year is rushing to a close. Last week we reviewed everything we learned from chapter 3 of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) and the associated commentaries. Here’s what each kvutzah (group) did to recap. Garanim The Garinim (preK and K kiddos) had so much fun reviewing and recapping…

Makom @ Home Makes Meaning of Time

Throughout Judaism, we have many traditions that bring markers to the points throughout our year. The seasons of the year are marked by holidays and festivals, the months are marked by each Rosh Hodesh or new month, and the moments of our day are broken down to morning and evening through times of day we have the opportunity to pray….

Taking a Holy Break with ShabbatTaking a Holy Break with Shabbat

Jewish tradition is one that marks holiness in time. One of the clearest examples of this is Shabbat. There are a myriad of ways we could approach and unpack Shabbat. Last week, our text guided us to, first and foremost, look at Shabbat as a way of keeping track of time. What does time feel like? Time feels faster when…

I Am as Important as the Whole WorldI Am as Important as the Whole World

I am the single most important entity in the universe. Also I am as significant as a speck of dust. Jewish tradition invites us to hold both these ideas about ourselves as simultaneously true. How can we manage that? And why would we want to? Two weeks ago, the text of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) invited us to wonder whether people were…

A Rosh Pinah Showcase to Remember

How good it is when we come together.    What greater joy is there to mark a new point in this strange year than with a moment where we can come together in person for some learning? It brings a smile to every one of our cohort’s faces when they get to share what they’ve learned and created with others. …

On the Nature of PeopleOn the Nature of People

What even are people? Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) argues that Earthlings should stop trying to associate themselves with God and just realize that they’re only as good as animals. Both end up the same: coming from dust and returning to dust (Kohelet 3:18-20). What do you think happens after people and animals die? Nothing. We become dirt and then plants. We will…